Truther & UFO Sources Exposing Chimera
When the average person does an average search on leading conspiracy theorists, the 3 sources they will display on common websites ( Wikipedia for example) is Alex Jones, Qanon & David Icke. With google trends it shows those 3 to be the most searched among the Truther & UFO communities , most any others added after those 3 aren't very visible especially with the left bar graph comparison, so in this way it is therefore most strategic to connect these 3 under a common thread and on a topic that is also strategically wise for liberation : It may surprise some to know this certain striking common thread between them all and will actually open a path from the early funnel of awakening to the top of the dark force pyramid once and for all, very simply. David Icke : Qanon : > Context : " There is a silent full scale war ongoing between the Positive Military and the Chimera group worldwide.... When this war is over and the Chimera defeated, ...